What’s the Best Business Growth Strategy? Scare or care?

Care Is a Competitive Edge
In a world where it can feel like nobody cares and everybody is trying to make us scared, standout and choose to care.
I just received a voice mail from my Bank that scared me…
“I was reviewing your account and found multiple things we need to address. Please give me a call at 555-555-5555.”
I called immediately. Fraudulent activity? Something out of order? A hack?
The Account Manager wanted me to switch Payroll and Credit Cards.
- I resented being scared into a sales call.
- I did appreciate the outreach, care.
- Can businesses care without the scare?
Yes. I’ve experienced it.
- Is it worth the extra effort?
Yes. Resentment erodes trust and willingness to buy.
Care and they will come.
- Care about customers.
- Care about employees.
- Care about their success.
- Care about our planet.
Caring is the best business growth strategy.
(Ok I loved the movie Field of Dreams.)
I also love helping clients Care for their Customers and Create a Positive Experience Every Time. Reach out to learn more here.